Senin, 07 Juli 2008


Gambarku saat Ekspedisi merapi di Turgo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan sandi ( Kiri ) dan teman-teman dari Poltekkes depkes Yogyakarta dari Jurusan AKL, Perawat, Gizi

Balantidium coli: B.coli is the largest ciliated protozoon found in humans.
Pigs, large primates and humans are the reservoir of the parasite.
Faecal-oral is the commonest mode of transmission
(other route are person-to-person and water).
(Life cycle.)

Balantidium coli: B.coli can cause a severe colitis with ulcerations like ameobiasis.
Large trophozoites are recognized in faeces by their size (50-80 by 40-60 µm)
and the presence of cilia.
(Trophozoite in fresh sample).

Balantidium coli: the large ciliated trophozoites have a cytostome
that continues in the cytopharynx,
2 contractile vacuoles controlling the osmotic pressure and two nuclei:
the micronucleus and the crescent-shaped macronucleus.

Balantidium coli: details of the trophozoite (cilia and cytostome).
(Wet mount preparation).

Balantidium coli: details of the trophozoite (cilia and macronucleus).

Balantidium coli: the trophozoite after excistation invades the submucosa
of the large intestine.
Trophozoites divide by binary fission within the submucosa.

Balantidium coli: diagnosis is obtained by microscopic observation of trophozoites
and/or cysts in faeces in fresh or formalin concentrated preparations.
Rectal biopsy can also provide specimens for diagnosis.

Balantidium coli: encystation happens in the lumen with the formation
of a mature cyst containing a single trophozoite.
Cysts are round and measure 55 µm.
Cysts are mature when they have a complete wall.
(Immature cyst at fresh examination).

Di Posting Oleh : Dorin Mutoif, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, poltekkes DEPKES Yogyakarta
D/a : Munggu, Petanahan, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah


Gambar saya Lagi Bergaya Saat Di Pantai Menganti Kebumen

Entamoeba coli: The identification of intestinal amoebae

depends on the size and shape of trophozoites and cysts and
on number of nuclei and aspect of karyosome and chromatin.
E. coli is an harmless commensal of the colon with a world-wide distribution.

Entamoeba coli trophozoites measure 20-30 µm and have
a vescicolous nucleus with a large eccentric karyosome
and an irregulary distributed peripheral chromatin

E.coli cysts are spherical and measure 14-30 µm (usually 15-20).
Mature cysts have 8 nuclei with a large karyosome
(central or eccentric) and an irregular (sometimes regular) chromatin.
The nuclei can be numerated with careful focusing.

E.coli: with focusing three other nuclei are visible.

Entamoeba coli: the spherical cysts are 15-20 µm in diameter.
Mature cysts contain 8 nuclei.
On both images cysts with 4 to 6 visible nuclei are present.

Di Posting Oleh : Dorin Mutoif , jurusan kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Depkes Yogyakarta

D/a : Munggu Petanahan Kebumen